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[ PERSONAL] Tomorrow Elbruno.com Will Be Down (you Know why!)

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[#KINECTSDK] Kinect for Windows SDK V2 Final Release, adapter ... Personally, I think that the big picture here is to understand how it is ... key combination + Cursor (up, down, right, or left) since Windows 7. ... That said, just sharing the code and tomorrow an example of a more interesting app with buttons.. And yes, I also went to see Guns 'N Roses 2 days ago and somehow some pictures were lost. ... El Bruno, Bye bye Apple, welcome Android (for the running dudes!) ... With the VPN on, it goes down to 150MB. ... And also, this post gives me an excuse to write another one tomorrow or later this week, about .... Do we really want to teach the ruling goto to those people who do not ... [# PERSONAL] Tomorrow elbruno.com will be down (you know why!)

By default when we see the Queries item in the section “Related ... The best thing for tomorrow, with the “My Work” section. Saludos ... [#VS2012] Trial Virtual Machines to test Visual Studio 2012 trial and Team ... It is that an acquaintance that is developing extensions for TFS with the SDK (and in Java part!)

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#Microsoft – Insider Programs at Microsoft (thanks to @shanselman!) Hi! ... Microsoft – List of almost all #Insider Programs (the ones I know …) ... Bonus: I take the time to remind you that tomorrow we will talk about ML. ... Note: Personally I have pending the drone and Unreal, I have to find time to learn .... [#EVENT] Webcast: #Agile, #Testing and #SystemCenter with #MSDNLatam friends. Hello! I almost forgot! tomorrow afternoon / night, depending on whether you are ... During the week I will see a link to the previous sessions before that ... son increíblemente frecuentes (aquí hago un must review personal, .... ENG [#IOT] #RaspberryPi2 and #Windows10 (1 on N) ... So today I'll go with one of my personal favorites: Windows 10 and ... More and more large is the image down ... As you can see in the image, I also recommend a starter kit like the ... Today I am in Barcelona and tomorrow when you get to Madrid, .... NET Model Builder provides an easy to understand visual interface to… ... This tutorial scales that process down even further, using only a .... #eBook – Free eBook: A Developer's Guide to Building AI Applications ... and I have it ready on my Kindle to finish it full tomorrow on the plane. ... #EBooks – More than 350 free ebooks on #Microsoft technologies (+3GBs on ebooks !) Hi! ... If you filter by Azure, you will see that we have 6 books available ... “Even If The FBI Had Somehow ‘hacked’ Into The [Silk Road] Server In Order To Identify Its IP Address, Such An Investigative Measure Would Not Have Run Afoul Of The Fourth Amendment,” The Prosecutors’ New Memo Reads

In The Media

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[#NETMF] Installing .net Gadgeteer to work with Visual Studio 2012 (hard stuff!) image. Buenas ... Tomorrow I will write a post about (to see if @jc_quijano happens to me some photo). Today are going to what ... [#PERSONAL] La tecnología al servicio de la ayuda contra el maltrato infantil · image. Buenas,.. [#VS2010] HowTo: Depurar un AddIn para OneNote ... [# PERSONAL] Tomorrow elbruno.com will be down (you know why!) Good,. today I turn .... We will see how to install the SDK, how to create a new application leveraging ... A basic setup hardly needs any code, and if you host it on on Azure, you can very ... I personally wasn't following much about it because I didn't have a Sprout and you ... Finally make sure you check out his GitHub repo, elbruno/ProjectOxford.. Now, to see that values have to apply to each property, it is best to go ... [# PERSONAL] Tomorrow elbruno.com will be down (you know why!). [#VS2010] Visual Studio Achievements, logros para cada developer ... [# PERSONAL] Tomorrow elbruno.com will be down (you know why!) Giveaway: Tipard DVD Cloner v6.2.28 for Free

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[#GALILEO] Connecting #Windows10 and #Intel Galileo. Hello! ... If you select the Galileo, we will see that we have several options to interact with the same. ... Tomorrow I have to spend 5 hours in a course of innovation and just install the ... I personally use it a lot and now using Windows 10, I realized that ... 90cd939017 3 Truths About Anxiety That Will Help You Feel Better, Fast –


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